Back to the Basics

I ask for your vote for Select Board, so that I may serve to build a more inclusive,  responsible, and responsive Weston. Our community is blessed with so many smart, talented people, and my mission will be to get more people invested in our government (and actually heed their input). That means making sure that more than 2% of our Town is participating in million dollar decisions, that we deal with problems as they come instead of kicking the can down the road, creating Weston’s own Code of Ethics, and focusing on Fiscal Responsibility, Transparency, and Open Communication.

In these unsure times, I am grateful for Weston's highly competent Town Manager, for a practical Public Health Director, for our Board of Health, and for our Emergency Reserve Corps.  Weston was founded by can-do, thrifty, no-nonsense, community-minded people. I am looking to the Selectwoman I most admired when I moved here, Joan Vernon, as inspiration now that I am announcing my campaign. I hope to emulate Joan's roll-up-the-sleeves attitude.

For 20 years in Weston, I've seen how volunteers make a difference – while chairing the PTO Science and Math Council, being a class parent, volunteering for WEEFC, leading a Scout troop, organizing clubs, serving as Barn Manager for the Women’s Community League, initiating the Welcoming Weston group, and running the Friends of the Weston Public Library Book Sale for over a decade.

I hope to be serving you as your newly elected Select Board member.

Meet the Candidates

Candidate's Night

The Incumbent

Mass. AG finds Weston board violated open meeting law over 40B discussion
Weston selectmen accused of hiding information from the public

Voting & Election Details

Town election will be held on September 10th. Voting by mail is encouraged, and requests for a mail ballot are due by September 3rd. See the official election page for detailed information about what's on the ballot, voter registration, in-person voting, how to vote by mail, and more.